Thursday, April 23, 2009


These are some before pics of the store. The unit is 1800 sq. ft......which is like being in a hall closet compared to what I was used to at home with a 15,000 sq. ft. showroom and a 8000 sq. ft. warehouse as well. Now I am limited to the store space and four 20' containers that I use as a warehouse. It was quite a chore getting everything beat into shape. My Grandfather, Uncle and myself worked day and night whipping this place into what you see below.
This is Grandad getting with it.

Here is Dennis.
Starting to look like a paint store.
This is a group of guys we bribed to hold up our sign so that we could mount it to the wall. It was quite an undertaking.

These are some guys we hired to help do some moving and lifting. The guy standing up against the Wall is Vercius Charles (or as I call him Charles). He has been with me since the start. I'm happy to report he is still going strong. He really has become like my only family here on Provo. I plan on doing a full post dedicated to Charles......My Haitian brethren.

Me cutting in the trim.

This is a "paint show" I had here. Several different manufacturers reps came down and demonstrated different products and their effectiveness. I was pleased with the turnout.
Dave from Seal Krete demonstrating one of their products outside. It was a real hands on event.
From left to right: Dave Haskell, Charles, Lyndsay, BKB, Angelo Arabatzis, Scott Hutchison and Rick Flores.


Well, it all started Last February. I jumped on a plane out of Miami to explore some new export opportunities in Providenciales, Turks & Caicos (my family has a interior design, paint, flooring, blinds, etc. business in South Florida). I didn't really have "master plan" in mind, I just wanted to check out the island and see what was going on down here. Perhaps catch a few bonefish while I was in town, maybe make a contact or two while I was at it. As you can see in the pictures, my first impression of Provo was that it was paradise!

To make a long story short, one thing lead to another, and the decision was made to open up a paint store here. So on July 7, 2008 I packed up a few suitcases, said my good byes, and headed South for a new life in the great unknown. For the last 9 months, my biggest focus has been on creating a viable and successful business........what an adventure it has been!


Hello World! I am completely new to blogging. I have been following a blog for the last few months so I figured I would give this a try. I hope you enjoy my pictures and stories.